Odessa Fire Department History


Rookie Schools

Rookie Class of 1953 / Class #1

Standing; Kenneth Casey, Lynn Preslar, Thomas Hart, C. B. Cox, Bob Newport, Troy Blancett, Jack Jackson, L. A. Croom

Kneeling; E. W. Parker, D. W. Hamrick, __________ Blackmon, Morris Roberts, Joe Farrell, W. R. "Shorty" Richardson, Tom E. Hesson, Hays Lawson

Rookie Class of 1955 / Class #2

John Franklin, Bill Kilgore, Robert L. Ragsdale, Kenneth Cable, Bill O. Carr, Bill W. Davis, Sam Phillips

Rookie Class of 1955 / Class #3

James Sims, Charles "Buck" Mackey, Boyd Brown, Wayne Coggins, Leroy Patrick, Robert Cook, A. B. "Dutch" Shows, Waylon Flannery, C.A. Thompson

Rookie Class of 1955 / Class #4

Bennie Kiker, Ewell Hammett, W. C. "Lucky" Landreth, Charles McAnally, Weldon Leek, Menzie Bourke, Forrest B. Corbell, Charles Lynch

Rookie Class of 1955 / Class #5

Floyd Hale, Jesse Geer, James Null, Jack Hart, Kenneth Tatum, Rex "Smoky" Blair, E. P. Gaston, Delton Moon

Rookie Class of 1956 / Class #6

Charles Mulkey, Sonny Laird, Jack Willis, Ray Myers, Joe Potter, Jim Pickard, Tommy Griffith, Don Robinson

Rookie Class of 1956 / Class #7

Wallace Dink, Allen _________, Jim McCorkle, James Webb, Okie Kuyrkendall, Ray Thomas

Rookie Class of 1957 / Class #8

Orville Clark, Charles Tarver, Don McConaghie, Dean Williams, Bob Thomas, J. B. Bates

Rookie Class of 1957 / Class #9

Ritter Owens, Doc Tucker, Bennie Dancer, Edward Alton Carter, Bill E. Smith, Hall Stokes, Theron Adams, _______ McClaskey, Joe Woods, Ray Myers, Dan Graves

Rookie Class of 1957 / Class #10

Kenneth Coppage, Truman Sellers, Less Pinkerton, Norman Price, G. G. Jernigan, J. A. "Heavy" McKandles, Dick Whetstone, Bill Strait, Bobby Bullard, Bobby McCowan

Rookie Class of 1959 / Class #11

Jake Shirley, _______ Checkisoky, Bobby Bullard, Norman Neilson, Don Sawatzky, Bill Strait, Bill Davis, J. C. Decker, Chuck Ballance

Rookie Class of 1959 / Class #12

B. V. Rives, Chuck Terrell, George Bailey, _______ Spurgers, _______ Hodges, James Wiggs, E. Ranberg, Phil Robinson, Jimmie Ratto, Roy Dale Cunningham, _______ Carlen, Melton Fuller, Joe Wood, Doug McCorkle, Buster Lethgo, Buddy Hough, Freddy Gardner

Rookie Class of 1960 / Class #13

B. V. Rives, Chuck Terrell, George Bailey, _______ Spurgers, _______ Hodges, James Wiggs, E. Ranberg, Phil Robinson, Jimmie Ratto, Roy Dale Cunningham, _______ Carlen, Melton Fuller, Joe Wood, Doug McCorkle, Buster Lethgo, Buddy Hough, Freddy Gardner

Rookie Class of 1960 / Class #14

Melvin Kindle, Bob Soloman, Harold Bruner, Ira Wayne Scott, Frankie McDonnell, Rex Heath, Eddie Boles, Tye Beams, Max Corbell, Al Martin

Rookie Class of 1960 / Class #15

_______ Burchfield, Mike Hogan, L. J. Bryant, _______ Walker, _______ Howell, Gordon Patterson, James Parisher, Paul Gaines, _______ Brown, Glenn Maxwell, Fred Turner, Jack Coffey, B. J. McDonald, Ray McDonald, Clovis Kuykendall

Rookie Class of 1960 / Class #16

Robert Wagner, Lavon McCauley, Jerry Rogers, Ivan Grisemer, Pete Brockett, Keller Yancy, Kenneth Kiker, Ewell Burns, Earl Collins

Rookie Class of 1961 / Class #17

Richard McDaniel, Cotton Smith, Ray Maynard

Rookie Class of 1962 / Class #18

Gale Courtney, Don McKelvy, Don Childs, Kirk Harminson

Rookie Class of 1964 / Class #19

Kenneth New, Dickie Corbell, Larry Richardson, Charles Eudy, Charles Wharton

Rookie Class of 1965 / Class #20

Floyd Hammett, Louis Hawkins, Hiram Cotton, James Layman, Harold Hand

Rookie Class of 1965 / Class #21

Charles Wiggs, James Roach, Jimmy Dominey, Kenneth Bates, Don Kiker

Rookie Class of 1967 / Class #22

Stan Bolden, Joe Goodman, James Brunson, Randy Parker, Fred Oates, Fred Daniel, Clyde Kitchens, Ronnie Benton, Cecil Clemmer, Jimmy McCracken

Rookie Class of 1967 / Class #23

Standing - E.W. Parker, __________, __________, __________, Winston Dick &  __________.

Kneeling - __________, __________, __________, __________.

Rookie Class of 1968 / Class #24

Back Row; Gerald Lucas, John Stevens, Ray Miller, Donald Ottinger

Middle Row; James McDorman, Justin Dewbre, Virgil Holsher, Dale Hicks

Front Row; Dale Reynolds, Billy Stovall, Clark Carter, Training Chief E. W. Parker

Rookie Class of 1968 / Class #25

_______ Throckmorton, Donald Ray Robinson, Tommy Joe Thompson, Clyde Peters, Lemond _______

Rookie Class of 1970 / Class #26 & 27

Standing- Jim Thrush, Tom Moore, Robert Gawlik, Lewis Stark, Don Dangerfield, Training Chief Dean Williams, Steve Theisfield

Kneeling- Jay Chancey, Micky Branch, Leon Phillips, Jess Herring, Dwight Mayo

Rookie Class of 1971 / Class #28

Back Row; __________, Danny Urias, Jimmy Hall, __________

Front Row; Richard Elkins, __________, __________

Front; Training Chief Dean Williams

Rookie Class of 1972 / Class #29

Standing- T. Davis, Training Chief Dean Williams & Don David
Kneeling- Dean Woodard, Allen Fowler & Earl Jackson

Rookie Class of 1972 / Class #30

No Records for this class

Rookie Class of 1973 / Class #31

Standing- Jack Culberson, Bill Oldaker, Raymond Walker, Eddie Thornton, Bill Jolly
Kneeling- Manual Serrituchie, Training Chief Dean Williams, Wayne Easterling, Larry Brown

Rookie Class of 1974 / Class #32

J. Skelton, Robert Ortiz, Johnny Orona, Tony Bullard, J. Langston, Dale Welch, Bill Jolly, Roger Baird, B. Watson, J. Creech

Rookie Class of 1975 / Class #33

Standing- Mike Brock, Bobby Williams, Chief Bill Kilgore, Wayne Coggins, Chief E. W. Parker, Captain Floyd Hale, Tom Fletcher & Gaines Morgan

Kneeling- Robert Thomas, Wayne Wallace, Dan Flood, Larry Griffin, Harold Geisler

Rookie Class of 1976 / Class #34

Standing- Bob Hiner, Steve Pollock, Jerry Cochran, C.D. Cooper, Chief James Wiggs

Kneeling- Kim Herrington, Tommy Pugh, Jerry Swann, Charlie Smith, Frank Gilmore

Rookie Class of 1977 / Class #35

Lee Don Martin, Leonard Joy, Gayland Edmiston, Scott Bernak, Paul Johnson, Leslie Majors, Tommy Mayo, F. Simmons, Richard Dietz

Rookie Class of 1978 / Class #36

Bobby Bright, Bill Briggs, Danny Trout, Steve Philen, Jack Wilton, Rowland Pickett, Roger Boyd, Robin Thomas, Billy Lynn, Howard "Blinky" Johnson   

Rookie Class of April 1979 / Class #37

L to R around the table; Brad McAllister, John Van Zant, John Taylor, Phillip Smith, Henry Guzman, Jimmy Ellis, Charles Wingate, David Latham, Lanny Phillips 

L to R back row; Steve Schwab, Ray Beaty, Steve Graham, Bill Capen, Marvin Marrow, Bill Johnson

Not Pictured- Randy Glass, Victor Kirk, Gary Sutherland, Floyd McCall, Steve Pollock

Rookie Class of April 1980 / Class #38

Standing; Stan Tinney, Albert Anaya, Bruce Muns, Jeff Owens, _____, _____, _____, _____ & Mike Farr

Kneeling; Stewart Hamilton, Bob Stillson, Danny Wyatt & _____

Joe Goulding, Stewart Hamilton, Mike Farr, Jeff Owens, _______ Hambrice, John Grove, Danny Wyatt, Terry Riley, Kevin Doan, Albert Anaya, Bruce Muns, _______ Dufresne, Robert "Bullet" Stillson, Stan Tinney, Mike Simmons

Rookie Class of April 1981 / Class #39

Standing- Lynn Pascal, Pat Land, Curtis Johnson, Greg Cherry, Wyatt Oakley, Jerrold Simpson, Tommy Griffin, Jay Lions, Perry Crowell

Kneeling/ 2nd row- Stuart Gaddy, Terry Wilkerson, David Henry, Robert Spears, Orlando Venegas

Kneeling/ 1st row- Allen Fowler, Gary Vaughn, Rick Sutherland, Terry Crow, Bill Griffin
 Not Pictured - David Parker

Rookie Class of April 1982 / Class #40

Standing- Paul Sparks, Kevin Jackson, Larry Light, Earl Spruill, Darrell Johnson, John Patterson, Miles Tindle, Dan Farber, Stuart Hamilton, Rodney Maynard, Henry Tieman

Kneeling- Ray Perkins, Mike Eidson, Robert Haynes, James Mayo

Rookie Class of April 1983 / Class #41

Standing- Johnny Myers, David Green, Bill Darby, Chris Worsham, Jim Thompson, Mike Walser, Warren Jolly, Jeff Cleveland, Marc Bailey

Kneeling- Wayne Pierson, Phil McDaniel, Kavin Tinney, Rick Schoel, Richard Puckett, Jeff Moseler, Randy Grissom, Mike Simmons, Kevin Phillips

Rookie Class of April 1984 / Class #42

L to R;  Darrell Williamson, Mitch Wilkerson, Frank Reed, Kevin Sawyer, Steve Perkins, Dane Orr, Dale Land, Denny Emery, Bill Gamble, Sam Cubine,  Leon Roberson

 Photo Bomb is Stan Tinney & Wayne Wallace standing on 812 Ladder Truck

Rookie Class of April 1984 / Class #43

Standing next to Engine; Terry Sheehan, Phil Cleveland, John Curry, Jerry Collins, Keith Rogers, Billy Culver, Training Chief Dale Welch, David McKinnis, Tim Herrington

Standing on Engine; Boyd Clements, Mike Harrison, Dale Childers

Sitting on Front of Engine; Ronnie Ikeler, Dale Henderson

Rookie Class of April 1984 / Class #44

Wesley Charles Aikens, Steve Doan, Tim Horne, Verle Pearce, Ted Powell, Steve Whatley

Rookie Class of April 1985 / Class #45

Fred Browning, Bob Bullard, Ricky Copeland, David Hernandez, Mark Hodges, Hugh Koenig, Steve Little, Jeff McCormick, James Mullis, Darrel Pope, Richard Raymond, Lonnie Sissel, Al Smith, Craig Turner, Tommy Vick

Rookie Class of April 1986 / Class #46

Anthony Goodnature, Steve Horton, Bruce LaRoque, Todd Ward, David Young

Rookie Class of March 1987 / Class #47

Darryl Anderson, Larry Bolden, David Gardner, Jack Hamilton, Martin Ramos, Vance Traylor, Gary Vaught, Randy Vaught, Dennis Wilhite, Steve Wills, Randy Woods, Chris Wyatt

Rookie Class of October 1988 / Class #48

Standing; Jerry Miller, Ernest Burns, Robert Myers, Clay Caywood, James Cotton

Kneeling; Roy Moore, Todd Tillman

Rookie Class of October 1989 / Class #49

Standing; Jack Gardner, Walter Hicks, Training Chief Dale Welch, James Ballard, Sam Jordan

Kneeling; Randy Wagner, Victor Garza, Kevin Scott, Michael Sredanovich

Rookie Class of September 1990/Class #50

David Davis, James Fowler, Mike Medanich, Don Easlon, Clyde Compton, Paul Boothe, Joe Holloway, Mark Torres

Rookie Class of April 1991 / Class #51

No Order: Wayne Maass, Glen Hogue, Derrick Melton, Jimmy Kight, Tony Hinton, Saul Ortega, Tanner Drake, Cavin Zugg, Lewis Lacey, Lorenzo Rivas, Mark Sieder, Ector Marin, Dustin Greenlee

Rookie Class of October 1992 / Class #52

John Alvarez, Tanner Drake, Martin Moya, Brandon Tate, Joey White, Fred Williams, Chad Clark, James Martin, Brian McGary, Donald McGinnis, Cliff Canada

Rookie Class of 1993 / Class #53

Jimmy Zumwalt, Alfred Rodriguez, Patrick Grabbie, Brent Amonett

Rookie Class of 1994 / Class #54

The OFD Record Book listed as Class #54

Back Row Standing; Devin Jackson, Stan Chisim, Ubaldo Estrada, Danny Williamson, Buddy Pearce, Chief Wiggs

Middle Row Standing; O. C. Instructor Jack Culberson, Randy Ashley, Mike Nunnlee, Emily Patterson, John Villarreal, David Dick

Kneeling; Brad Barrett, Danny White, Jimmy Kilgore, Kevin Keith

Rookie Class of 1996 / Class #55

Standing; Training Chief Dale Welch, Rodd Huber, Jimmy Lee, Robert Worsham, William Blaylock, Chief John Brown, Jason Cotton, John Bailey, Vince Williams, David Thomas, John Neville.

Kneeling; Dan Jones, Troy Moore, Tony Valdez, Chris Jimenez, Al Lara, Phillip Talley, James Ornelas.

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